Top 8 Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2020

There are too many Best Programming Languages to learn in 2020 it depends on you which programming is suitable for you, your interests and what is your purpose to learn them. If you’re new to the field of Software Development, the toughest part of learning any programming is deciding where to begin. Old programming languages become outdated in Today’s era while new programming languages are launched. There are Hundreds of programming languages and each language has its own complexities.

In the list below, we put the best and most in-demand programming languages which uses in Web Development, Mobile Development, Game Development, and many more.

1.   1) Python

Python is most user friendly and in demanding programming language on this list and Easy to learn. Python developers said that Python’s syntax is clear and has simple syntax. Python has a variety of applications that make it a versatile and can be the powerful option when choosing the best programming language.

Top 8 Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2020

        Advantages of Python

a.    Versatile, Easy to use and Fast to Develop

b.   Has all the Libraries You Can Imagine which makes the coding easy.

c.    Improved Programmer’s Productivity

d.   Integration Feature

Disadvantages of Python

a.    Gets Slow in Speed

b.   Run-time Errors

c.    Ideal in Mobile Computing

Application of Python Language

1.    Web Scrapping Applications

2.    Business Applications

3.    Web Development

4.    Game Development

5.    Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

How much Python Developer can Earn?

The Python Developer average salary in USA is around $100,000 per year. The Python Developer average salary in India is around Rs.5,00,000 per annum.

2.    2) Java

Java is a powerful general-purpose programming language. Java is used to develop Mobile and Desktop applications, Data processing and so on.

Java runs on 3 billion devices worldwide, which make Java one of the most popular programming languages according to Oracle (company that own Java).

Top 8 Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2020

        Advantages of Java

a.    A large number of open source libraries

b.   Powerful open source Rapid Development tools

c.    Java is an Object-Oriented language

Disadvantages of Java

a.    Poor Performance

b.   Complex code and Difficult syntax

Application of Java Language

1.    Mobile Applications

2.    Desktop GUI Applications

3.    Gaming Applications

4.    Big Data Applications

How much Java Developer can Earn in USA and India?

The Java Developer average salary in USA is around $100,000 per year. The Java Developer average salary in India is around Rs.4,00,000 per annum.

3.    3) JavaScript

JavaScript is essential to Front-end web development language along with HTML and CSS. Popular websites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Gmail and YouTube, rely on JavaScript to create attractive and interactive web pages.

Top 8 Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2020

        Advantages of JavaScript

a.    JavaScript is relatively simple and easy to learn.

b.   JavaScript work smoothly with other languages and can be used in a variety of applications.

Disadvantages of JavaScript

a.    JavaScript Interpreted differently on different browsers

b.   Its Framework is difficult to learn.

Application of JavaScript Language

1.    Server Applications

2.    Web Servers

3.    Smart Applications

How much JavaScript Developer can Earn?

The JavaScript Developer salary in USA is around $80,000 per year. The JavaScript Developer average salary in India is around Rs.3,00,000 per annum.

4) Swift

If you have interest in Apple app Development, Swift is a good place to start. In 2014 Apple, announced Swift is relatively new programming language used to develop iOS and macOS applications. It is optimized for Performance. After Swift was developed by Apple so that iOS developers do not need to work with Objective-C.

Top 8 Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2020

        Advantages of Swift

a.    Does not need to write large code

b.   Automatic memory management feature prevents memory leaks

c.    Swift program Codes are near to English language so it is easy to read.

Disadvantages of Swift

a.    Swift is somewhat unstable because of updating of swift versions.

Application of Swift Language

No need to write you already knew it.

How much Swift Developer can Earn?

The Swift Developer salary in USA is around $150,000 per year. The Swift Developer average salary in India is around Rs.8,00,000 per annum.

5) C++

Most of the Beginner programmer get influenced by their so called “seniors” about C++ language. Beginner are confused of which programming language you have to learn? And the same question when they asked to their senior because they think senior have some experience but seniors always says C/C++ is not so important. But if you are interested then you can learn C++ if you learn it as a Basic Language then its not worth it, I recommend you if you want to kill in C++ then you have to be Advanced.

Top 8 Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2020

        Advantages of C++

a.    C++ is very popular language thus, there are many libraries and IDE

b.   No Garbage Collector is running in background like Java.

Disadvantages of C++

a.    C++ program can’t support Dynamic Memory Allocation.

b.   Beginner might be found it difficult to learn.

Application of C++ Language

1.    Widely used in Game Development

2.    Used to create advanced libraries

How much C++ Developer can Earn?

The C++ Developer salary in USA is around $100,000 per year. The C++ Developer average salary in India is around Rs.3,00,000 per annum.

6) Ruby

Ruby is the language that is commonly used for web development. Beginners wants to learn Ruby because it has a good reputation for having one of the user-friendly languages.

Top 8 Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2020

        Advantages of RUBY

a.    Ruby provides small, elegant and powerful code.

b.   Ruby is an open source language, It is free to copy, use, modify and distribute.

Disadvantages of RUBY

a.    Quite difficult for beginners to learn.

How much RUBY Developer can Earn?

The RUBY Developer salary in USA is around $70,000 per year. The RUBY Developer average salary in India is around Rs.3,60,000 per annum.

7) Go

Go is an open source programming language. Go language is statically typed and produces compiled machine code binaries.

Top 8 Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2020

        Advantages of Go

a.    Its syntax is small compared to other languages and easy to learn.

b.   Go makes programming easy

c.    Go is really fast language as it is compiled to machine code.

Disadvantages of Go

a.    Interfaces are Implicit.

b.   Poor Library Support.

Applications of Go

1.    To create GUI Applications.

2.    Used to build web applications.

How much Go Developer can Earn?

The Go Developer salary in USA is around $90,000 per year. The Go Developer average salary in India is around Rs.6,00,000.

8) PHP

PHP is a widely-used open source general scripting language that is used for web development and can be embedded into HTML. 

Top 8 Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2020

        Advantages of PHP

a.    PHP is simple and easy to learn.

b.   Large open source software community

Disadvantages of PHP

a.    PHP is not secure as it is one of the open source languages.

b.   Building a website with PHP language is quite slower than other         programming languages.

How much PHP Developer can Earn?

The PHP Developer salary in USA is around $80,000 per year. The PHP Developer average salary in India is around Rs.4,30,000 per annum.


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